The Spiritual

Unicorn: Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.

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Unicorn - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal


Key Words:
Love - Innocence - Faith

What is the spiritual Meaning of Unicorn?
Reassurance, Innocence, Love, all of these things and more.

Why does Unicorn appear now?
When the Unicorn appears in your life it is a gentle reminder of all things good, the Unicorn is reminding you to count your blessings, Unicorn brings good energy and is attracted by good energy, the pair of you are a beacon to all.

How do I call upon the Unicorn?
The Unicorn is attracted to you, it will come when asked. It understands when it is needed.

The Unicorns roamed the Earth and were noticeable up to around the 4th century, they were similar in appearance to horses with their main differences being a powerful muscle filled broad chest and front legs, their back legs were also powerful and capable of great strength, the length and thickness of their mane and tail and of course a horn extending from their forehead. The significant difference between horses today and unicorns are a horse has one toe and a unicorn has three. (A unicorn incarnate (horse) is notorious for throwing shoes)

A Unicorns character can be described as "delicate, fragile, loving, loyal, faithful." They naturally attune to one person and will lovingly remain with that person through life. It is their devotion to one person that contributed to the extinction of the physical species. It is also these character traits that betray them as incarnates.

A unicorn as natural spirit is earth tied, it is true synchronicity that the horse is known as mans best friend and is closest known relative of the Unicorn. The apple is a universal symbol of love, only someone of pure heart is able to tempt the unicorn with an apple.

People were able to tame Unicorns and keep them as pets, the unicorn could be trained to do any work required. The unicorn chooses its owner, it chooses a life of servitude to its owner. It will work with enthusiasm, love, devotion and dedication.

The Spiritual meaning of the unicorn is purity, to be pure of body, mind and spirit. If the Unicorn appears in a dream it is showing you a solution is there. It is rare for a Unicorn to lead as its purpose is reassurance. The unicorn will come to you and as a pet provides unconditional love. The Unicorn will only be seen by the chosen few, it will only appear to light workers and those that are fair of heart.

The symbolism that represents the Unicorn is peace, serenity, purity, honesty, majesty and mindfulness to name but a few of the qualities bestowed upon the person in its presence. When the Unicorn appears, its humble energies infuse all of these qualities into the local vicinity and will attract all creatures of the light to it. As the flame attracts the moth, as the honey tames the bear, the Unicorn attracts creatures of the light.

The Unicorn has been subject of myth and legend since before time began, typically magic, Arthurian legend, Merlin, even the Persian and eastern cultures also pay tribute to this most beautiful of animals. To conjure this animal and to bring this animal forward as your totem is to simply believe, Angels are our guides where as Unicorns are our companions to believe in them is to manifest them into reality. Various Romans described Unicorns in many different ways, with one horn, two horns, hind legs that are powerfully built, a lions mane and tail, a hippos front legs. They have been seen in Persia, Europe, Greece, Gaul and Britain, it would seem that they have been seen in as many places as they have varying descriptions. The reconciling fact would seem that they are magical and attracted to the fair of heart and honour. It is known that Julius Caesar became obsessive and had fair maidens put to death with their virtue questioned because they failed to attract a Unicorn.

It is known the Romans winged God Pegasus is a reason for the unicorn to be portrayed with wings, the confusion and furtive imagination of the artists and historians since that time are to blame.
To see a true representation of a Unicorn ask a younger child to draw a unicorn, it will probably be white, horse like, with a big flowing mane, bushy tail and with a single horn. A child using their own words will explain that the unicorn is a symbol of unconditional love.

To dream of the unicorn, or to have the unicorn appear is a statement of spirit showing love, or demonstrating that it is time for you to show love, or maybe for you to love again. Only you will recognize the statement being made whether the unicorn appears in a dream or on the front of a card, it is there for all to see and spirit have placed it in front of you for you to recognize. The Unicorn with the Golden Lion can be seen on each side of the British coat of arms, this is displayed in every court room on the mainland UK, it is also to be seen on every British passport. It is known that the Unicorn is adopted from Scotland heraldry, it is also documented that Julius Ceasar in 1st century AD despite numerous attempts, failed to catch a unicorn.

The blonde mane of the unicorn has been likened to the blonde hair of a celibate maiden, the unicorn will only come to the pure of heart. Many a Celtic Princess tamed the unicorn with an apple, many a witches brew or spell has the added magic from the horn or hair of the unicorn.

A Unicorn is an earth tied free spirit, an animal when it dies does not become a unicorn but a unicorn can incarnate as an animal, the animal closest in shape and manner is the horse. The horse is not the only animal known to be a unicorn incarnate. My Saint Bernard (Tinkerbell) lived on this earth for 14 years, she weighed more than 12 stone, 76kg. A big clumsy bundle of love and a unicorn incarnate, I currently have another dog as a companion and am waiting for her to reveal herself, also as a unicorn incarnate. I am suspicious and believe she is but am waiting for confirmation.

Tarot Influence: The Chariot – harness the power within. The pathway ahead should be of your own choosing.

You Are in Control of Your Destiny!

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This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.

Animal Spirit Oracle.comAnimal Spirit

Page updated 25th January 2025