Dragon Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.
This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.
Dragon - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals
Dragon (Earth)
Key Words:
Completion - New Beginnings - Potential
What is the spiritual Meaning of Earth Dragon?
Earth Dragon represents Mother Earth, when Earth Dragon appears it is time to go back to basics. Appreciate what you have and who you are.
Why does Earth Dragon appear now?
Earth Dragon by definition is Earth tied. It is a reminder that the earth is the provider and will provide for us, if given the chance.
How do I call upon Earth Dragon?
Use natural intuition and ask it to come forward for you now.
Earth dragon will help unlock the wisdom of the Earth Mother, 'Gaia', it will help unlock the secrets of the natural world, through animal spirit guides, synchronicity, elementals, totems and ancient symbolism.
The powerful energy of Earth Dragon will help unlock wisdom from generations before us, to enable you to awaken the spiritual potential from your higher self.
The completion of one cycle and the beginning of a new era, new age, a new dawn. Earth Dragon brings forward new horizons, as one phase of the moon embraces a new phase Earth dragon is responsible for the seven days from new moon to first quarter, from the North to the East and encouraging the Air Dragon to waken and bring forward the East wind and Freya.
Earth Dagon is the first to awaken from the slumber months, from the dark comes light from light comes movement. Am I safe? am I healthy?, am I hungry? can I help you? Earth Dragon teaches us humility, the waxing crescent of the moon encourages us to explore, seek knowledge and be more aware.
One of the most difficult things to understand is Earth tied elementals work from a vibration that is at the lower end of the spectrum. The density of physical reality means we have learned to appreciate very few of the natural senses available to us.
Connecting with the power of nature and exploring a greater potential opens our energies, raises our vibration, it encourages each and every one of us to share the experience and our individual journey.
Earth dragon encourages us to explore our own depths, the meaning of life, why we are here. The base chakra and the simplicity of life, do we feel safe? do we have enough food? can we provide for others? how do we help ourselves and each other?
With Earth Dragon as a main guide, happiness and self fulfilment will be found at home, in the nest, family. By staying close to the nest, the creature comforts come easy. A safe place to live and food on the table, inviting others to share the peace and harmony created by you, in your home.
Connecting with your earth dragon animal spirit guide can be a powerful way to gain insight into your life and find direction. Dragons are wise and powerful creatures that can help you in times of need. By connecting with your dragon animal spirit guide, you can unlock the knowledge they possess and use it to create positive change in your life. With their guidance, you can gain clarity on difficult decisions, gain insight into yourself, and discover new paths forward. Through this connection, you will be able to tap into the strength and courage of the dragon within you as well as receive guidance from a trusted companion who is always there for you.
The power of your inner earth dragon animal spirit guide is an incredible source of healing and transformation. By unlocking this power, you can access a deep level of self-awareness and understanding that can help you to make positive changes in your life. Through the guidance of earth dragon animal spirit guide, you can learn how to tap into the healing energy of the universe and use it to create positive change in your life. With the help of this powerful inner force, you can unlock the power within yourself to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
One belief system is that we have at the very least 9 guides surrounding us at any one time. One for each of the four directions, one above us, one below us, one that will stand within our energy, and one that travels on each side of us through life.