The Spiritual
Puffin - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Air Elementals
Key Words
Soul Mate - Romance - Balance
What is the spiritual meaning or symbolism of the Puffin
The Puffin is a natural poseur, with bright colours and a brighter personality it will woo its partner until she surrenders and then they partner for life. They will raise their one child together.
Why does the Puffin appear now?
The Puffin brings stability and routine, it brings comfort with familiarity. Do no harm, to love and be loved. The bright orange encourages the 2nd chakra, the sacral chakra into balance. Fertility in all things, from projects to life itself.
How do I call upon Puffin?
To stand on the edge of a cliff in the north west of Wales and puffins are in abundance, to appreciate their quiet, their solitude and majesty is accepting their energy into your own.
Dream meaning of the Puffin.
The Angel of Anglesey, brings fertility and new life. An idea that is waning, a baby coming, the puffin is like a breath of fresh air, bringing fresh perspectives and different ways of thinking.
The puffin is a bird of great mystery and even greater emotion, it accepts the sea like a butterfly accepts the breeze. It finds a partner and stays with them for life, when on land it is a part of the community. When at sea it has its partner and it spends 2/3 of its life at sea with them.
The spring equinox brings the Puffin to land and to breed, they will have one child, both parents will sit on the egg until it hatches and feed it until it can swim. Once the chick can swim it will take to the deep waters for safety and food, it will return after three to five years with a mate and it will produce young in the safety of family and the colony. It is not unknown for the puffin to use the nest twice in a season with one chick each time.
The Puffins are sacred peace keepers, taking to the sky they can fly at speeds of more than 50mph, taking to the seas and diving to depths of 200ft, when they are on land they are mating, nesting and raising their young. They will fly when the skies are blue, swim through the severest storms and make land when it is time to love and be loved. It is not unknown for them to use a rabbit warren as a nesting site and will share a warren with rabbits.
The Puffin loses its drab and dull colours in the spring, the dark colours are for hiding from predators in the seas. Come spring with the sunshine, the land and a time to love, it changes its colours and the bright orange legs, multi-coloured beak, pure colours of black and white. This is why it is called a Sea Parrot.
The Puffin will indulge in great public displays of eskimo kissing and will attract both members of the family and also members of the colony to witness. This display of love is almost a public declaration, a renewal of vowels for all to see and witness. The harsh open seas is no place for declaring love, finding companionship in harsh times will lead to greater love in the good times, these displays of unconditional love are commonplace and adored by the community. It truly is an appreciation of Heaven on Earth and the reason for them being called the Angel of Anglesey.
To call upon the spirit of Puffin energy or to have the Puffin as a power animal or totem has many qualities:
To seek re-assurance of life and love.
Parental guidance and knowing you were raised to be independent.
First love can develop into a partnership for life.
Family and community spirit is always around you.
Use the quiet of a winter storm to gather your thoughts in solitude.
Know the open seas will bring a companion when needed.
With Puffin in your energy there will be routine, stability, comfort in everyday familiarity. Each day brings balance, harmony, life has evolved into familiar surroundings. Lovers, soul mates, children, family, colony, each day brings forward the next day and domesticity.
Puffin reminds us not be so defensive, there is no need to be so serious, lighten up and change our attitude.
The spiritual meaning of the Puffin is balance in all things, symmetry, and equality. The Puffin is one half of the other, they choose their mate for life and spend their lives together in an eternal romance, with each choosing to be in servitude to the other.
Tarot Influence: 6 of Swords - A love that has no reason is a love that lasts forever. Leave behind any expectations.
Let the reason be love!
Puffin: Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.
This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.
Page updated 21st January 2025

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This website was last updated 26th Jan 2025