The Spiritual
Spider, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.
Spider - Animals Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Fire Elementals - Power animal
Key Words:
Fortune - Fate - Destiny
What is the spiritual Meaning of Spider?
The spiritual meaning of the spider is a weaving of fortune. The spider casts the web of fate and creates time, place and circumstance. Spider is about being patient allowing life to reveal itself.
Why does Spider appear now?
Spider is a gentle reminder of living for now and choosing your moment to shine.
How do I call upon Spider?
Spider will know when it is needed and will appear at the right time.
The spider is recognised in many cultures as a weaver of fortune. With the spider as a totem or guide it means your path is being planned and spider is bringing you back to the chosen path. Spider will help you with decisions and connect you to options that are only available to you. Meeting the spider is a unique experience involving time, place and circumstance, by understanding that these three elements only come together once, it will encourage you to see options that are perhaps not so obvious.
The spider weaves a web of perfection, perfect symmetry, in a very short space of time it brings together a perfect symbol to be marvelled, it gives the opportunity to explore hidden depths. If spider can make the effort to weave a web, it is making a statement and providing the evidence of a bigger picture. It is giving options, providing opportunity to advance or reflect. A spider’s web can be many things including a fresh beginning, to look from the centre of the web looking out is opportunity in abundance, from the edge looking inwards is a closure and the opportunity to progress.
The Celtic Druids spread across all nations of modern Europe and beyond, Greece to the Fjords of modern Scandinavia, from the far-flung corners of Germania, to Iceland, Briton, Prydain and the Pillars of Hercules. The Greeks were an influence on the Celtic Druids, the daughters of Zeus known as the Moirai were believed to be the weavers of destiny for all mortals.
Upon the birth of a mortal child:
“Clotho” (The Spinner) would weave a thread of life for the child.
“Lachesis” (The Apportioner) would decide the fate or destiny for the child.
“Atropos” (The Inevitable) who decides how they meet their end.
It is known that the "Moirai" lived on Mount Olympus in the palace of Zeus. It is known the web they weaved was sanctioned and respected by the Gods of the Heavens and the Gods that walked this Earth.
The spider was known by all as the weaver of fortune, fate and destiny and recognised as most sacred.
The Romans who invaded the Celtic and Druidic territories also had their own similar belief system, a belief in “The Fates” but these were portrayed as mean women who denied mortals their dreams, they were surly and angry with no room for the desires of man.
The spider that once was a representation of exploring perfection, seeking new beginnings, providing opportunity had been given a disasterous makeover to which it has never recovered. What was once "Moirai" a prial of prosperity had been relegated to their undesirable "Fates".
The web of a spider has been and is included in many a spell as a means of binding ingredients and creating an intent that will link Abred, Gwyned and Ceugent… the past with the present leading to the future.
The eight legs of the spider represent the eight celebrations from Druidry being the four equinox and the solstices based on the seasons. Astrology, Ogham and Oracle with differing variations of regional truths reveal spider to be all things to all people. The spider with 100,000,000 years of evolution came out of the water onto the land and once on the land took to the air with the creation of webs, thus linking the land with the air and the waters.
If spider should cross your path then something is being repaired or prepared, it is a time to look up, look around you at what is actually happening. A change is coming and it is only for the greater good, allow the spider room to create, should you need to relocate a spider do it with grace and seek permission.
Tarot Influence: 2 of Wands – A futuristic wish, consider both possibilities, analyse and evaluate.
In the Web of Life, You are a Thread

This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.
These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.
Page updated 21st January 2025

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This website was last updated 26th Jan 2025