The Spiritual
Seal, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.
Seal - Animals Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal
Happy - Easy - Self Love
What is the spiritual meaning or symbolism of the Seal?
Self love and mutual appreciation are important qualities of the seal. To love and be loved without condition.
Why does the Seal appear now?
Family and community are important to you and there is work to be done. Look for more laughs and trust more people. Be more inclusive and expand your circle of friends.
Allow your children to be children and allow them to grow at their own pace. You work to hard.
How do I call upon Seal?
To dream of a day in the sun on the beach will encourage the seal to join you.
Dream Meaning of the Seal.
Believe in true love and self love... equally. Trust yourself. You are the seducer, the trusted one and keeper of secrets. You can do no wrong, your ancestors are with you.
The Seal can be found all around the uk, they are shy reclusive creatures by nature but also naturally curious. Colonies of seals varying from tens to thousands depending on food source and habitat can be found. Where you see one seal you will find many, basking in shallow waters frequently with just their nose above the water waiting for quiet so they can come up on land.
Seals are lazy creatures who enjoy and take pleasure in an easy life, they eat anything that swims near the shore, from crabs, shell fish, jelly fish to cod, hadddock, plaice from the sea floor, the unsuspecting bird has also been known to be included in their diet. They are not fussy eaters and can be found where they can catch food easily.
Sunbathing in either shallow waters or if no one is watching up on land and rocks, Seals lives revolve around eat, sleep and play. They are pregnant for nine months and will nurse their children for two before sending them out into the seas to fend for themself. Children triple in size before venturing out on their own but remaining within the colony, their childlike status remains for three to five years before they will seek a mate. Females can live to 55 years, whilst males only 40. Wisdom and experience comes from the community and the elders within their community, their philosophy is live, laugh and have fun.
The origins of the Selkie come from the grey seal transforming into human form pursuing love, seal people live in the sea but shed their skin on land. As a newt turns into a frog, a catterpillar into butterfly, the seal can turn into a human.
The seal on land is an awkward, lumbersome creature, in the sea it has the agility, the beauty, the curiosity and energy of youth. It is the sea that gives this creature its youthful exuberance. Once up on land it is able to transform and retain its youth, beauty, exuberance as it transforms into human form. The allure of the Selkie is attractive to all that come across it, no human can deny the beguiling seal people and they choose their human with care.
The Selkie seeks more than the community provides, a companion, devotion, safety, intimacy, to give and feel love. The community and colonial life of the seal is created on safety in numbers and everyone playing a part. The collective is its strength, success, safety and future.
The Selkie has the blessing of the community elders, it is a rare thing for the selkie once on land to travel away from the community. Their ancestory is in the community and this calling will never be broken, the secrets of the community will never be revealed, just as a selkie will never reveal who they are unless discovered. A Selkie deals only in truth, they do not lie and will not be lied too.
Believe in true love and self-love... equally.
Trust yourself. You are the seducer, the trusted one and keeper of secrets. You can do no wrong, your ancestors are with you. Do those things that you are good at and enjoy. Develop your own unique talent.
Curiosity helps you to overcome shyness, knowledge of your own worth to preside over a situation encourages you to push yourself forward.
Relax more and stop trying to prove yourself to people who are unworthy of your attention. Surround yourself with likeminded people and you will thrive and be the excellent person you know you are.
Tarot Influence: 6 of Cups – Innocence & joy integrate love. Express yourself and nurture your inner child.
Don’t Worry… Be Happy!

This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.
These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.
Page updated 23rd January 2025

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This website was last updated 26th Jan 2025