The Spiritual
Goose: Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.
Goose - Animals Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal
Key Words:
Motherhood - Family - Abundance
What is the spiritual Meaning of Goose?
Motherhood is shining around you. You? your partner? your daughter? a new mother is about to be.
Why does Goose appear now?
With motherhood comes nesting, now is a time for nesting. Preparing the home and making changes for and in readiness for family life.
How do I call upon Goose?
The Goose is active in three worlds, the land, the sea and the sky. To imagine Goose as a friend in any one of them is to recognise the sacred element and call upon it.
Goose enjoys the freedom of three worlds, the land, sea and sky, they are as comfortable in one as they are the other two. Fiercely protective of their own, they will fight to the death to protect each other.
Goose when ready will summon abundance, using the natural laws of attraction and the power of three, being: Land, sea and Air; or Time, place and circumstance, goose will create their own heaven for themselves and the loved ones around them.
Of all the animals in the animal kingdom it is the goose that lays the golden egg, When the goose appears accept the success it brings with grace and humility. The Goose enters our life and brings abundance and the need to share and encourage others to share our blessings and good fortune.
Goose is sacred for many reasons: Work to provide, Rest where necessary and Play like there is no tomorrow. Understanding the power of now and being in the moment is important.
Sleep also comes in abundance with the Goose, capable of sleeping anywhere the goose has mastered this art. It can sleep on the wing using the warm currents of air, sleep in the middle of a lake and maintain its position and sleep on land surrounded by family. To imagine goose sleeping or counting goslings gathering will aid sleep, to call upon the power of geese to sleep safely is a powerful sedative.
The call of the goose is primal, to hear them overhead is telling you to remember spontaneity, surprise someone close with a loving gift. To hear a goose on the ground is a warning that not all is at appears, there is an upset around you that is about to reveal itself. Listening to geese on the water is like listening to the breeze in the trees, harmony, peace and tranquility surrounds you and everybody close to you.
Maternal energy is all around you. You? your partner? your daughter? The goose brings love and compassion.
Curiosity is a sign of great intelligence, intelligence comes in many forms. Can a fish climb trees? Can a monkey swim? We each have our own forte', our gift to share with the world. Goose understands curiosity and appreciates there isn't always a need to see or share everything all at once.
With its powerful message, the goose can be seen as an inspiration for us all to live our lives with intention, compassion, and integrity. Be content with what you have and everything else comes in abundance.
Tarot Influence: 7 of Cups – Life is full of potential. Decide what you desire, you always have a choice.
Life is Full of Potential

This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.
These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.
Page updated 16 January 2025

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This website was last updated 26th Jan 2025