The Spiritual

Frog, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.

Animal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual CentreAnimal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual Centre

Frog - Animals Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal


Key Words:
Change - Progression - Acceptance

What is the spiritual Meaning or Essence of Frog?
The spiritual meaning of the frog is change, adaptability, to transcend from one thing into another. Frog is about progression and not standing still, embracing change and accepting what will be will be.

Why does Frog appear now?
There is a change happening now. People around you are having difficulties accepting the new you and are fearful of change. Frog brings acceptance and encourages people to accept what can’t be changed.

How do I call upon Frog?
Frog represents the divine feminine
, the rivers the lakes and the full moon. Just as the princess kissed the frog, show compassion to life’s difficulties and ask frog to step up and do their thing to make the world a brighter place.

The spiritual meaning of the frog is change, adaptability, to transcend from one thing into another. The frog as a spirit animal is surrounded by siblings, family connections are important. Nature and natural progression are key elements to the success of the frog. Love, unconditional love, family and relationships enhance the success and the survival of the frog.
If the frog appears in front of you or appears in your dreams, then be prepared for change and have no fear. The frog grew from spawn into a tadpole, it grew from a tadpole into a frog, it left the egg to swim in the pond and it left the pond to explore the land.

The frog as a spirit animal
brings change, the spiritual meaning of the frog is the power of three, the symbolism of the frog is the birth, the life and the afterlife, the power of the spiritual message it brings is one of good fortune and of fertility. The essence of the young frog is femininity but as it matures it's understanding of masculinity develops.

Frog is known throughout
the world and recognised as sacred by many cultures. The Christian bible mentions that the frog brings truth, removes falsities, destroys toxicity and negative energies, the egg that turns into a tadpole that turns into the frog can be represented as the three stages of the resurrection. The Egyptians were firm believers in the afterlife and believed the frog represented rebirth and new beginnings. Many cultures see the frog as a bringer of clouds, frogs tend to be seen in the rain and as such the perception is that they bring good fortune, fertility and encourage crops to flourish with abundance.

The Druids would have likened the many lives of the frog to Abred, Gwyned and Ceugant and would have understood the relevence of Past, Present and Future, with all living things respected and deemed sacred the frog with its ability to transmorgrify, to live and die each year, to be able to return to its place of birth and to be able to live in the water and on the land, to be able to live above the water and also below, with its natural affinity to become invisible, the camoflage of the frog enabling it to be seen when heard and for it to disappear in an instant all contributing to its sacred status.

Spiritual or divine intervention, to be born into the water can be interpreted as feminine influence, but the frog then climbs out of the water which may indicate a male influence. The frog is androgenous and enjoys the merits of both worlds, fertility, birth, encouraging fertility in the spring, the arrival of Freya will also see the arrival of the frog. With the Moon and the water come the feminine emotions, with the Sun and the earth come the masculine emotions, the natural sporning, the need for travel, the bringer of rain to cleanse the lands, also bringing air to the waters, clarity, protection and an abundance of wisdom.

The transition from egg to tadpole, the emergence from water onto land, from tadpole into a frog, from life into hibernation and the return to life once more. Ink is another hidden quality of the frog with many a writer unwittingly inspired by the spirit of the frog and many a fable has been written about the transmorgrification from frog into prince because of a fair maidens kiss, or the emergence from the roots of Ygdrassil to once again walk the lands. Many a Bard will have sat near a moonlit pond listening to and being inspired by the sounds and song of the frogs.

Frog encourages family connections and being surrounded by family, fostering new relationships, creating support networks are all a part of the success and survival of Frog. Have no fear of tomorrow, of change, of the inevitable change’s life places in front of you.

If change has already happened, Frog encourages acceptance of the new situation. It brings calm to its surroundings and restores a natural order to the local environment.

The power of three removes toxicity, false-hoods negative traits, it brings truth. The egg, tadpole, frog represents the three stages of the resurrection. Also, the afterlife, rebirth, incarnated spirit, or new beginnings.

Tarot Influence: 5 of Cups – Do not repeat past mistakes. Put aside regret.

Live Life with No Regrets!

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This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.

Animal Spirit Oracle.comAnimal Spirit

This page was last updated 23rd Jan 2025