The Spiritual

Where are you based?

We are online as a part of The Spiritual Centre group.
We travel extensively throughout the UK for a variety of events. If we know we are in an area we will investigate locally and make an appearance. We do take advance bookings when we are able.

Frequently asked questions

What is The Spiritual Centre?

The Spiritual Centre group was founded in 2015 it consists of four websites soon to be six. It was started in 2004 by Bruce Clifton, joined with Sonia Parker in 2007 and has grown progressively since then. We reached a million people by January 2022 and will be celebrating our 20th anniversary in 2025. We are proud of our heritage, humbled by our following and looking forward to the future.
The Spiritual -
The Spiritual -
Animal Spirit - (is a work in progress)
The Spiritual - (This website - will be taking into the future)
The Spiritual Centre Is a project coming soon, keep up with the latest news in our monthly newsletter.
The Spiritual Centre shop is something is in the early planning stages we are looking towards 2025

What is happening with The Spiritual

It is regretfully; to old to save, the platform needs to be modernised and it has reached the point where it is no longer viable to update the old software. Our plans for the future and interacting with our audience means it is necessary to develop a website capable of meeting the demands of today.

Where are the animal spirit oracle cards from?

The animal spirit oracle cards displayed on the website will be available for sale very soon, at the moment we are at the pre-launch stage.(March2023) Our hope is that they will be available for sale by May 2023. To register an interest go to or sign up for our monthly news letter using the form in the footer of this page.
An update to the previous statement is the cards have been proofed, the printers are doing all they can with finalising a delivery date. August 2023... we are hoping for days not weeks. Unfortunately an inevitable delay. (Notice I didn't say unforeseen... lol)

Where are the number 8s

We like to keep something back, a part of the elusive world of spirit. They are here but they are not obvious, if you are the first to find them and post the page to social media. There is a mystery prize to be claimed.
The Bull as number 8 in the spirit element is actually number 4, we got it wrong. (sorry) This means you are looking for the number 4 from spirit.

Animal Spirit Oracle Deck & Cards

Are the website pages the same as the book?

Absolutely not! The website pages are an incredible addition to the book. We conducted customer surveys and discovered that a significant number of our amazing customers wanted the convenience of accessing information online. So, we decided to go above and beyond by creating website pages that perfectly complement the book.

We developed the Animal Spirit Oracle Deck after three years of dedication and a lifetime of working with spirit. We hope we have created a 'one of a kind package' based on customer needs. We believe we are pioneers and are leading the way forward.