Duck, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.

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Duck - Animals Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal


Key Words:
Explore - Resilience - Live in the Moment

What is the spiritual meaning or essence of Duck?
If Duck appears in your energy it brings forward the qualities from the land, the sea and the sky.

Why does the Duck appear now?
Duck is a reminder that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that beauty can be seen in all things.

How do I call upon Duck?
Look for the beauty in all things, the calm of the waters, the clarity of the sky, the lay of the land. Duck is a reflection of ourself, always aspire to how you want your higher self to be.

Duck wears a wide smile and enjoys life, it matters not where duck finds itself as it spreads humour and brings joy to child and adult alike. Both child and adult appreciate and recognise the ducks unique qualities and enjoy its company.
Duck is often portrayed as the daft comedian and rightly so, it is impossible to watch the duck without smiling inwardly or indeed laughing out loud at its comedic antics.

The duck is seldom seen on their own, they like their own company and keep themselves to themselves in a small community or family group. They will often partner for life and enjoy each moment together, sharing the joys of life. They are not naturally fearful with the adults frequently bold and playful and setting the example for the youngsters to follow.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, is a phrase that can be applied to mother duck, she will defend her young to her dying breath calling upon all around her to help. Woe betide the agressor.

The Ducks natural colours of blue, green, white, grey and others provide a natural camoflague on the water, land and in the sky against predators. These same colours are the colours of natural healing, also allowing the duck to travel between worlds and bring healing energies to all that seek. One feather can reflect all the colours of the rainbow if held in the light correctly.

A Duck will hold position in the middle of a pond by gently treading water, staying in the same position for hours at a time without thought. The reflection perfect but for the gentle ripples caused by its own making. Meditation and healing come easy with this action, the ripples creating a perfect alignment of energies and fading after the seventh into the gentleness of now.

Sometimes it’s good to be still, just tread water and wait until the time is right. It's ok to not do anything, it's ok to sit in your own company and just watch. Enjoy every moment as it happens. Mother duck with her ducklings, Mother hen with her chicks, mother Goose and her gaggle of goslings, there is no stress, no quandary, no fuss. Mother leads and babies follow, mother expects and babies follow that expectation. Much can be learned from these mothers of Earth.

Tarot Influence: 8 of Cups – Explore what feels right for you. Find Yourself, maybe see things differently.

What You Do Today Matters Most!

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This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck, available for sale soon.
More information available here.

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck, available for sale soon. More information available here.

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