The Spiritual
Donkey, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.
Donkey - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Oracle - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal
Key Words:
Harmony - Struggles - Conflict
What is the spiritual meaning of Donkey?
Home should be a sanctuary, a place to shut out the world and be grateful for all that there is.
Why does the Donkey appear now?
Stop and assess your circumstances, there is a problem to do with work that directly affects you.
How do I call upon Donkey?
Donkey will come in its own good time, it will provide what it can soon.
Discover the power of donkey spirit animal, totem and animal guide. Find out more about its symbolism, ancient teachings and use it to unlock your inner potential. Learn how to use its wisdom and guidance in every aspect of your life. The donkey spirit animal has been a symbol of hard work, determination, and resilience for centuries. Its ancient teachings can help unlock your inner potential by providing guidance, wisdom and strength. With the power of the donkey spirit animal, use its symbolism to reach your goals and make your dreams come true. Discover the power of this animal guide and use it to benefit every aspect of your life!
An animal of integrity and loyalty since time began, it is know that the Ancient Celts tamed the wild dog and the horse as the first domestic animals, the reality is that the Donkey was here before them. In servitude, doing what Donkeys do providing a service with pleasure.
Simplicity is the order of the day with Donkey, it wants somewhere safe, food and a caring hand to help it achieve what it is supposed to be doing. Donkey understands limitations, what it can do and what it can't do. Humans can rely on Donkey to keep them safe because if Donkey says it can't do something then there is no point forcing it to do it. Donkeys advanced senses will keep everybody safe, when it is being stubbourn, it is actually being careful and urging caution.
Donkey is like the Blackbird, also the Hare, they make lots of noise when they are happy and they make lots of noise when there is something to be alarmed about. If a donkey is making a noise take note, pay attention and reason why? If donkey is going about its business, a kind word, a gesture of encouragement and all is well in the world.
It was the Donkey led by Joseph that carried Mother Mary to the stable and was present when Jesus Christ came into this world.
People with Donkey as a power animal tend to be calm, dedicated, focussed and have a willingness and enthusiasm to get the task completed. Integrity is a value held most dear, these people will be in the service industry and more than likely in the health care and welfare environment.
Donkey ambles through life enjoying every moment, it repays every act of kindness and most importantly does not seek more kindness. Donkey is the animal that is content with what it has... Always. Born to work, it relishes hard work, whether that be walking with families up and down the beach or the toil of the mines, if donkey can work then donkey has fulfilled its purpose.
Donkey understands limitations, what it can do and can't do. Humans can rely on Donkey to keep them safe because if Donkey says it can't do something then there is no point forcing it to do it. Donkeys advanced senses will keep everybody safe, when it is being stubborn, it is being careful and urging caution.
If you can be of service to others, then do it. An ideal profession would be in health care or welfare environment. Stay calm, dedicated, focussed, and have a willingness and enthusiasm to get the task completed. Integrity is a key value and should be held most dear. If you need to adapt to a situation, do it quietly and without drama.
Keep things simple, all donkey wants is somewhere safe, food and a caring hand to help it achieve what it is supposed to be doing. Do not set your goals too high, think about the basics and those things that will make you happy.
Healing Influence:
Is lower blood pressure, reduced stress, calm outlook.
Tarot Influence: 5 of Pentacles – there is always help available. For our spirit to soar we need to recognise the needs.
Give Grace, Stay Humble
This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.
These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.
Page updated 21st January 2025

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This website was last updated 26th Jan 2025