Deer, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.

Animal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual CentreAnimal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual Centre

Deer - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal


Key Words:
Fragility – Gentleness - Strength

What is the spiritual Meaning or Symbolism of the Deer?
The Deer
when seen represents fragility, the deer is a symbolism of gentleness. Patience, kind-heartedness, peace and quiet. The deer is a part of a community and contributes in her own unique way.

Why does the Deer appear now?
The deer
as a spirit guide has appeared so that it can show you something, it has something to reveal to you. The deer brings the femininity, gentleness, strength of the feminine wiles. The spiritual meaning of the deer is the beauty of feminine surrender, the strength that comes from subtlety. These delicate creatures enjoy and encourage harmony around them.

How do I call upon the Deer?
The Deer
as a spirit animal knows of your desires, she will appear in your energy when the time is right for her and bring the qualities of her energy for your pleasure. The Deer is psychic, she knows when and where she is needed, she will answer your call when she is ready… when the time is right.

The Deer
cannot be approached, once trusted they will approach. They will not be forced and do not like interference, patience and kindheartedness will bring the rewards of their friendship. This animal brings new beginnings and fresh perspectives, it is shy and does not enter your life without reason. This is maybe a time to settle and review what is happening rather then trying to forge on and make things happen. To be gentle and hold a steel resolution, to experience the feelings of the deer and to roam wildly touching the hearts and minds of all that you encounter is not a skill afforded to many.

The decision you made was correct, the outcome will depend on your gentleness. One of the lessons to be learned could be the problem faced can be handled without force or ego.

This beautiful spiritual creature will only appear when you are ready to follow, call her and she will come, When she knows you are ready she will let you follow her into the land of the Faerie, the unicorn and that of the elementals with the deer by your side these plains and many others await you.

The Deer
and The White Hind call to us to explore the root of the cause rather than the surface and the effect of the cause. Obsessions should be looked at; it is easy to become fixated or pre-occupied with something or someone without realising. With the gentle co-ersion and subtle influence of this animal everyday life and other world life gently balance. Balance is another message atrophied to this wonderous animal, to be able to balance here and now with what lies beyond and to be able to identify when an assertive approach is of more benefit than a chameleon’s adaptive approach.

The white deer
have been revered by many as sacred and a messenger sent from beyond these realms. This Doe is sometimes white, she appears as "The White Hind" to see the white hind is a very humbling experience. She will tell you how much good you have done, and how much good there is to be done. If she allows you to follow her she will reveal many secrets, without fear or expectation follow her into the forest, if Butterflies are around then be reassured that angels are close. The white Hind represents all things that are serene and sacred, the feminine and innocent ways of doing things. To follow such an animal or to be led by one will take you to a new beginning or a meeting with a new guide or divine being. The sacred white hind will always be waiting at the edge of the forest ready to take you into the other world, the beginning of your spiritual journeys.

Deer teaches us to keep healthy boundaries, and to encourage compatible energy.

Tarot Influence: Strength – Be in control of situations around you, stand back, be patient, trust your own inner strength.

Focus on Your Strengths!

Spirit Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckSpirit Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Deer card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Deer card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Bee card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Bee card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Dragonfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Dragonfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Swan card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Swan card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Bull card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Bull card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Dolphin card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Dolphin card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Owl card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Owl card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Butterfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Butterfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck

This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck, available for sale soon.
More information available here.

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck, available for sale soon. More information available here.

The Spiritual Centre shop logoThe Spiritual Centre shop logo
Unicorn card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Unicorn card from the animal spirit oracle deck