The Spiritual
Crab, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.
Crab - Animals Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal
Key Words:
Resilience – Balance - Seize Every Opportunity
What is the spiritual Meaning of the Crab?
Crab is all about resilience and balance being able to see beyond any hurdle and knowing how to overcome it. Duality = Night and Day, Masculine and Feminine, equilibrium. To be able to reason things out without judgement.
Why does the Crab reveal itself now?
There is an opportunity that has presented itself, Crab will show you both sides and the way forward by side-stepping. You always have the choice and the ability to negotiate without facing it head-on.
How do I call upon Crab?
Facing North we welcome the moon, by looking East we welcome fresh beginnings, looking West we see where we are going. Crab will appear and offer guidance when asked after this ritual at early evening.
One belief system is that we have at the very least 9 guides surrounding us at any one time. One for each of the four directions, one above us, one below us, one that will stand within our energy, and one that travels on each side of us through life.
Crab will travel beside us or beneath us.
Many Cultures recognise the Crab as sacred because it will move to be alongside you. The right claw symbolises East and one half of the Moon. The left claw symbolises West and the other half of the moon, when the claws are closed it represents protection and either full moon or new moon. A surprise is coming or a solution has been found and all is well. The new moon represents purity and being ready to receive.
Crab will hold onto something until it loses a claw, it will not let go. With one claw it will continue its journey with perseverence, courage and determination. It will continue to grab every opportunity and work with it.
Crab moves sideways for a reason, it avoids confrontation and it catches its prey off guard, they don't see it coming. When in danger it will move backwards or dig and cover itself. The harsh waves of the sea against rocks is no problem for this creature, it simply moves under and around the rocks. Predators from the sky have difficulty seeing the Crab because it is the perfect camoflague, it will carry rocks, pebbles or coat itself in sand. Its strong hind legs make it the perfect digger, it will dig itself in by going backwards while defending itself with its claws...
The Moon being divine feminine, the ocean representing the ebb and flow of the feminine wiles. The crab will appear in moments of indecision. To go forward we sometimes need to side-step. The tough shell of the Crab represents all you have been through and the fact that you can adapt and keep going.
Crabs greatest message is that when times are tough and we can't move forward it is possible to surrender to the moon or the ocean and just go with the flow. The ebb and flow of the ocean will carry you to new lands where you can once again place your feet firmly into Mother Earth and let her take the weight while you rest.
The crab claws are the shape of the crescent moon, a time of gathering things around us, looking North we see the moon, looking east we see new beginnings, looking west we see our future. With this knowledge we can continue our journey.
Tarot Influence: Two of Cups – Mutual respect, understanding without judging. Identify opposing emotions and feelings.
Seize the opportunity!

This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.
These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.
This page was last updated 23rd Jan 2025

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County Durham, SR7 7
This website was last updated 26th Jan 2025