The Spiritual

Butterfly: Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.

Animal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual CentreAnimal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual Centre

Butterfly - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal


Key Words:​
Freedom - Love - Balance

What is the spiritual Meaning of Butterfly?
When a Butterfly catches your attention it is bringing you a message of hope, it is telling you of a transformation coming. Have no fear of change and know you are being guided and looked after.

Why does Butterfly appear now?
Something to consider is the light and bright demeanour of the butterfly, it goes with the flow and lives on the breeze. Do you need to lighten up and stop taking things so seriously?

How do I call upon Butterfly?
To visualise a butterfly is easy, ask a child to draw a butterfly and it is easily done. Call upon a butterfly by imagining it as a childhood friend, explain your problem and let it show you the way.

When a butterfly appears in your life it signifies a transformation coming.

Take the time to stop, look, enjoy the splendour of this beautiful creature. A gentle reminder to enjoy life and dance to the call of nature.

Don't take life’s trials and tribulations so seriously, life is a dance that should be enjoyed and shared. The butterfly has appeared to remind you that the transformation is a matter of perspective, so look for the positives and dance joyfully, lightly and embrace the new beginning. A joy no matter how small is still a joy.

As the butterfly has so obviously appeared consider something that is being avoided, an obvious appearance and for the butterfly to land on a fence is a sign that you must make the decision soon. Stop sitting on the fence! Make the decision.

If the butterfly is there for your entertainment, it is fluttering nearby just out of reach, dancing merrily almost teasing, dancing, laughing, enjoying the day. Then the message is clear less worrying, and more enjoyment is needed. The expression all work and no play springs to mind.

A butterfly is also a sign that angels are near, the pure white butterfly and the still butterfly are signs that your angel is close. The impending transformation will be assisted or the transformation that took place is over and the angels are here and helping.

The smallest flower or the weakest petal will not bend when the butterfly lands, the butterfly brings strength, courage and freedom.

Where the butterfly plays there is no dark, no negatives, only the power of light. To appreciate the sun, to appreciate all that he brings and let all self-imposed restrictions go, free yourself and enjoy fresh perspectives without hindrance.

The Butterfly is about transformation and having no fear of change. Love Life, whatever it may bring.

Freedom is allowing the wind to carry you, to surrender all earthly ties and allow the wind to take you where it will. A new and liberating experience awaits you with the next breeze.

Balance is knowing when to hide from the storm and knowing when to enjoy the breeze. You’ll never see a Butterfly in the rain.

When a Butterfly catches your attention, it is bringing a message from the divine. It is time to make a wish and ask the angels to listen.

Tarot Influence: The Lovers – Love yourself unconditionally. The more you love yourself, the more love will find it’s way to you.

Love Sets You Free!

Spirit Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckSpirit Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Butterfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Butterfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
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Bee card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Dragonfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Dragonfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
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Swan card from the animal spirit oracle deck
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This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.

Animal Spirit Oracle.comAnimal Spirit

Page updated 24th January 2025