The Spiritual

Bull: Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.

Animal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual CentreAnimal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual Centre

Bull - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal


Key Words:
Virility - Strength - Masculinity

What is the spiritual meaning of Bull?
Bull brings strength in all manners, physical strength, strength of character, strength of conviction, a majestic all presence strength.

Why does the Bull appear now?
Bull brings reassurance that whatever you do, it will support your decision.

How do I call upon Bull?
Bull will appear at the edge of the field.

The Bull has been recognised as a symbol of power across many cultures including the Celts. The favoured white bull being a sign of the Gods walking on this Earth. Zeus is believed to have transformed into a bull to seduce human females before taking them back to his kingdoms. Communities believed in sacrificing their most treasured possession to appease the Gods, the Bull being one of their most prized possessions, it was up to the Druid to perform this task.

The Bull has been and is still seen as the majestic presence since domestic agriculture evolved and for at least the last 4,500 years, across every culture in the world. Masculinity, Paternity, Virility, are some of the traits associated with the spirit of the Bull.

Energy, virility and stamina are essential qualities needed for the bull to maintain his herd, with the owner afforded status in being able to look after and care for such a valued animal.

Taurus is the Astrological sign for the bull recognised and established in the Mesopotamia region nearly 5,000 years ago. Babylonians establishing the astrology we use today and developed the signs of the Zodiac still used today.

Of the four elements the bull is an obvious Earth element and from the directions it comes from the North, with Arch-Angel Uriel being the guardian. Dependability, reliability and strength are naturally recognised with the bull. Work hard and play hard are almost taken for granted when relating to Taureans. Born between April and May with the exact dates depending on the moon cycle and region determining the exact characteristics that can be expected.

Spiritually the bull is seen as taking control, dominating and establishing boundaries, protecting what is his and defending his right to be. Once he has settled himself he is happy to self indulge and accept the luxuries he has created. Fiercely ambitious and determined the Bull will beligerently refute any change to his circumstance, the comforts of continuity means they don't like change.

Celtic Kingdoms, communities built by Druids and ruled by royalty held the Bull with high regard, the Skye Cave revealed its secrets in 2012 from the most Northern parts of Scotland and the "Isle of Skye." A single bridge made of wood leads to the suggestion that Celtic culture is linked to the Ancient Mesopotamia Civilisations through the musical instruments, with the wooden bridge being linked to the Lyre an ancient Harp like instrument made from the horns of an Oxen. Nine strings stretched across the two horns, each string representing one the nine worlds or plains of existence found in so many cultures. More recently experiments have proved the Solfeggio frequencies attuned to each string have a direct effect on promoting health but they have been slimmed down to just six for the purposes of the study.

The Bull symbolism is represented by almost every culture since the beginning of time. Pictographs from ancient
Mesopotamia, to Persia, Greece and Hieroglyphs within the pyramids of Egypt, Cunieform the ealiest recorded writing. To look at the Kabbalha and Jewish scripts from 2000 years ago and we find mentions of the Bull in the Garden of Eden, with Lilith refusing to Obey Adam. Lilith being represented as a term of fertility and the symbolism of the Bull.

As recorded in the Bible:
Ezekiel 1:7
“Each living creature had four different faces: a human face in front, a lion’s face at the right, a bull’s face at the left, and an eagle’s face at the back.”

Masculinity has its place in the world, people will look for leaders. Don't be afraid to take charge if you lead... the people will follow. Honesty and honour, reliability, protection are your offerings, be proud and stand tall you have earned the right to be.

The bull represents the vision of our soul, and will lead you to your destiny.

Tarot Influence: Emporer – You make the rules, however you need to be mindful of adapting to change.

Transformation & Change is inevitable.

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This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.

Animal Spirit Oracle.comAnimal Spirit

Page updated 25th January 2025