The Spiritual

Bee: Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed.

Animal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual CentreAnimal Spirit logo wf. The Spiritual Centre

Bee - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Earth Elementals - Power Animal

Key Words:​
Dedication - Community - Haven

What is the Spiritual Meaning or Essence of Bee?
The Bee brings many qualities to your energy, as a worker within the hive it brings dedication, as a gatherer it brings community and as a Queen it creates the haven, sanctuary, hive.

Why does Bee appear now?
The bee has appeared, to settle your lust, to accept you for who YOU are, you are valued, you are you, there is no one like you, so sit in your own power and enjoy what life brings. Don't work hard, work smart.

How do I call upon Bee?
Relax, calm yourself, be calm and carry on. Bee will enter your energy and busy itself bringing you what you need, not necessarily what you want. 

From ancient times, bees have been seen as a symbol of hard work, loyalty, and community. The Bee brings forward good fortune, gold, yellows, harmony, and good vibrations. Sit in your own power and know you are contributing to the greater good.

The humble bumble Bee brings forward the fortunes of gold, it is the impossible insect because it defies the laws of gravity. Each Bee has its place withing the hive, wether it be, worker, gatherer, defender or Queen. There are many common phrases attached to the Bee, as happy as a Bee or as busy as a Bee, each one providing adequate description for the moment captured.

As a worker within the hive accepting pollen and creating honeycomb it is providing a home, creating a haven for all Bees to feel safe.
As a gatherer, it is risking life and limb exploring new places, finding new venues, collecting pollen for the workers to complete their task.
As a defender the Bee stands at the front, willing to fight and die for the purpose of ensuring all the other bees can complete their duties, protecting the Queen and ensuring that life within the haven will go on.
Queen Bee is the majestic presence that all bees worship, Queen Bee provides the assurance and regal standing that survives through many lifetimes, re-incarnations, and spiritual connections.

The Worker brings dedication, the Gatherer encourages community, the Queen creates the haven, the sanctuary, the hive, together the community grows.

The Bee hive is a community of like minded souls determined to create a heaven on earth, living life to the full and encouraging one another to join in, as one collective.
Bees produce honey, honey is a local produce. It comes from the nectar of plants that are nearby. Bees don’t work hard, they work smart. They work locally, their success is based on remaining close to the hive.

Healing Influences: ‘A spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down.’ The truth is that the honey is the medicine. A daily taste of local honey helps calm hay-fever, colds and sneezes, fevers and even a disturbed sleep pattern and poor concentration.

Tarot Influence: Magician – You have all the tools to perform miracles. You are the expert, focus on your goals.

You Can Perform Miracles!

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This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.

Animal Spirit Oracle.comAnimal Spirit

Page updated 24th January 2025