Woodpecker - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Air Elementals


Key Words:
Opportunity - Luck - Healing

What is the Spiritual Meaning of Woodpecker?
Woodpecker is an unseen bird, in the sense that it is more often than not heard and then seen. The message here is sometimes it is better to listen to the unspoken words. Listening is sometimes more revealing than playing an active role.

Why does Woodpecker appear now?
Woodpecker creates opportunity, it would seem you have knocked on enough doors, let enough people know of your where-a-bouts. Now is the time to reap rewards because your perseverance has paid off.

​How do I call upon Woodpecker.
Listen for him, a quiet forest and the woodpecker can be heard, a noisy forest and yet the woodpecker is heard throughout all the other sounds. The very bold, biligerent, incessant, knocking of the Woodpecker.

Woodpecker is a natural healer, the sound it makes is in harmony with the natural rythm of the Earth. Each sequence of beats is designed to encourage the insects to come out of the wood. The vibrations, the echo, resonates with all creatures in the local vicinity. Should danger come close the Woodpecker will observe, the silence is fore-warning to all living things. Once the danger has passed the Woodpecker resumes and like a Shamanic Drum peace is restored with its sound.

New beginings are here to be explored​, the Woodpecker encourages these opportunities to be found. Using all of your senses so that you don't walk into it blind, without seeing, knowing, feeling and understanding if this is right for you. The Ancient Birch Tree holds many secrets, up to 700 years it has stood and embraced those that seek enlightenment, as it slowly returns to Earth, the Woodpecker uses it as a source of food and shares its secrets.

Woodpecker represents the North and the East as Earth and Air, the two working in harmony. It is a time to be grounded and a time to experience the beauty of the first breath. The scent of a fresh cut lawn, a new flower opening, these will encourage you to remain grounded and encourage you to see things differently. Opposites in Harmony is a powerful energy that will enhance any situation or circumstance.

Don't be afraid of doing something different and get noticed. Walk to the sound of your own drum, create your own rhythm, singing in harmony is for the choir. Don't be afraid to sing solo, your harmony will enhance the natural harmony. Step outside your comfort zone, take that first step, and most importantly never give up.

Opportunity is coming your way, like it or not there is a golden opportunity coming your way. Your perseverance is finally paying off and you will reap the rewards.

Now is a time to listen, you have not recognised what you have been told. The message was clear, but you have not understood the meaning or adhered to it.

There are few creatures capable of bringing harmony through sound, the beat of the Hare's foot, the flap of a Pigeons wing, the deep rooted soulful echo of the Whale. The silence that follows the Woodpecker is as harmonious as the sound itself. The tapping of the Woodpecker at dawn is warning to the faery folk, the silence of the Woodecker in daylight is warning to all that is around of imminent danger. It is the person of a true spirit that sees the Woodpecker at work.

The calling of the Fae, a time to return to the twilight world. The duty of the Woodpecker is to call an end to the frivolities of the twilight and night time antics. The elementals of the Earth, the Air, Fire, Water and Spirit, also those that reside between worlds and only reside in the twilight plains of life. The shamanic tapping of the woodpecker resonates with all those living in the twilight existence to be still once more, to return to their haven of the unseen. It is the Woodpecker that sounds the warning of a new day beginning and now is the time to return to the safety of the shadows and unseen and to hide in plain sight.

Tarot Influence: 8 of Swords - You are never really trapped; you always have a choice. Act and make it happen, know your own power.

Never give Up!

Woodpecker, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed

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