The Top Ten Ways to Harness the Power of Oracle Decks


Bruce Clifton

8/30/20238 min read

The Stag, the Bull, Eagle, Cockeral and the Swan waiting to reveal their message to you.
The Stag, the Bull, Eagle, Cockeral and the Swan waiting to reveal their message to you.

The Top Ten Ways to Harness the Power of Oracle Decks.

1) Daily Guidance: Kickstart your day with an Oracle Card.
2) Self Reflection, Journaling, Understanding the Oracle Cards.
3) Manifestation and Goal Setting: Harness the power of Oracle Cards to Manifest your Dreams.
4) Creative Inspiration: Spark Your Imagination with Oracle Card Artwork.
5) Meditation and Mindfulness: Enhancing your Meditative Practice Using Oracle Cards.
6) Healing and Self Care Practices: Incorporate Oracle Cards into Your Daily Practice.
7) Intuitive Development: Strengthen your Intuition with Regular Oracle Deck Readings.
8) Decision Making: Use Oracle Cards as a Tool for Making Choices.
9) Oracle Cards, Innocent Intent and Acceptance of Life Force Energy.
10) Community and Group Activities: Connect and Share Oracle Card Experience with Like Minded People.

Using an oracle deck is a deeply personal experience. It encourages self-reflection, mindfulness, and introspection. Each card holds its own unique energy and message, allowing you to interpret it in a way that resonates with your own spiritual experience.

When it comes to selecting an oracle deck, trust your intuition and follow your heart's guidance. The deck that resonates with you on a deep level, will be the one that you are naturally drawn to, this is the one that will truly speak to you and provide the most insightful and fulfilling experiences.

Listed below are my top ten ways to make the most out of your enchanting oracle deck! Some of these suggestions might seem like common sense, while others will surprise you with their innovation. Remember, establishing a strong connection with your cards is the key to unlocking their full potential. You can try keeping them close by on your bedside table or exploring some of the unique methods I've listed for an even deeper bond. The more connected you feel, the greater benefits await you on this amazing journey!

1) Daily Guidance: Kickstart your day with an Oracle Card.
An oracle card can be an illuminating source of guidance throughout the day, it’s important to remember it is an influence and not a rule to be followed. The gift of free will is always yours.
When it comes to selecting your card, take a moment to decide which method feels right for you. Would you prefer choosing one or two cards? Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself a moment of calm to clear your mind. Then, when you're ready, select your card randomly.
The concept of synchronicity plays a vital role in this card. The alignment of time, place, and circumstance has brought forth the appearance of this card, carrying an important personal message for you. It serves as a symbolic representation of your day ahead, and although its meaning may not be immediately clear, it will gradually reveal itself as the day unfolds.

2) Self Reflection, Journaling, Understanding the Oracle Cards.
The oracle cards offer a wonderful opportunity for self-reflection and gaining deeper understanding of our surroundings. By incorporating them into our routine and journaling our thoughts, feelings, and opinions, we can discover new perspectives about ourselves and the world around us. It's truly a nourishing practice that helps us appreciate the beauty in both ourselves, our environment and where synchronicity has played its part.

3) Manifestation and Goal Setting: Harness the power of Oracle Cards to Manifest your Dreams.
Take a moment to manifest your wish for today, which is to see more love in the world. Say it out loud with conviction, as if you truly mean it. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and choose a card that speaks to you. It's helpful to keep a journal where you can write down this intention and reflect on how it influences your experiences throughout the week - yesterday, tomorrow, in the present moment, and especially today.

Do you have a longer-term goals and objectives? Give yourself some personal time, set an intent, shuffle the oracle cards and give yourself a reading, that will help you gain insights. Make notes of your interpretation of their meaning. Re-visit these same cards in a week, a month and see what they reveal, reflect on fresh interpretation, different perspectives, and new understanding.

4) Creative Inspiration: Spark Your Imagination with Oracle Card Artwork
The artwork, imagery and symbolism is important to you, the attached literary content is just a guide to your own knowledge.
The artwork will appeal to the knowledge contained by your higher self. It will become apparent as you gaze and allow yourself to enjoy the splendour.

You will discover that your appreciation of the artwork, imagery, and symbolism is remarkable. Your unique perspective and understanding resonates with the wisdom of your higher self. Without doubt you will experience a profound sense of knowing. Allow the truth within you to reveal itself naturally.

5) Meditation and Mindfulness: Enhancing your Meditative Practice Using Oracle Cards.
As you take a moment to explore the oracle card deck, let your intuition guide you to choose a card that resonates with you. Take a deep breath and hold the card in your hands. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the imagery and contemplate what it reveals to you. Imagine if this card had a voice, what empowering message would it share with you?

Would you like to seek guidance from the Oracle Deck? Take two cards randomly and place them side by side, facing up. Take a moment to reflect on what immediately comes to your mind. Gently pick up the two cards and hold them together with your palms, closing your eyes. Take a deep breath. Now, place the cards on the table in front of you. Do they offer any potential solutions?

Take a moment to randomly select a card from the oracle deck. Pay attention to what this card means to you personally and what it represents. Consider its value in your life right now. Take your time with this reflection, as it's important to dive deep into your thoughts, emotions, opinions, and feelings. Write down all of these insights in your journal, so you can revisit them later and gain further insights through reflection.

6) Healing and Self Care Practices: Incorporate Oracle Cards into Your Daily Practice.
Incorporating oracle cards into a daily wellness routine is not only about seeking answers or predictions; it's also about nurturing yourself on a much deeper level. It's an opportunity to pause, reflect, and engage in self-care practices that nourish both your mind, body, spirit and higher self.

Remember that there are no right or wrong ways to use oracle cards – it's all about finding what works best for you. Allow yourself the space and give yourself permission to explore this healing practice with an open heart and an open mind.

By taking the time to sit with the cards, shuffle them gently, and choose one that resonates with you in the present moment, you invite a moment of stillness and intention into your day. This practice allows you to tap into your intuition and access the wisdom that lies within. Using oracle decks in your self-care rituals can bring a sense of spiritual connection and mindfulness to your daily routine. Whether you're seeking clarity, comfort, or simply looking to deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you, oracle cards can provide valuable insights and support.

7) Intuitive Development: Strengthen your Intuition with Regular Oracle Deck Readings.
Each person's journey of intuitive development is unique. Be patient with yourself as you embark on this path, allowing yourself space for exploration and growth. Embrace the process with an open heart and mind, trusting that the insights gained from oracle deck readings will guide you towards greater alignment with your higher self.

Using oracle cards as a form of intuition training is an accessible and enjoyable way to connect with your inner guidance. These cards serve as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind, providing insights and messages that can guide you on your spiritual journey.

Setting aside a time and place to practice is a key essential ingredient. Encouraging energy to work with you is about ritual, creating synchronicity, encouraging a rite of passage. Keeping a journal and reflecting on past practice encourages good practice and prevents mistakes being repeated.

Personal growth is a process that becomes tangible with time, by keeping a journal and reflecting, it will help you discover new truths. Gain perspective, clarity, and encourage your psychic and spiritual abilities to flourish.

8) Decision Making: Use Oracle Cards as a Tool for Making Choices.
The decision-making process with oracle cards involves drawing cards that represent different aspects of our lives for specific questions we have. Each card carries its own symbolism and messages, providing guidance and shedding light on potential outcomes.

What makes oracle cards particularly powerful is their ability to bypass the noise of our rational minds. They tap into our intuition, allowing us to connect with our inner voice and make decisions from a place of authenticity. The Oracle cards being used at this level of understanding gives us the ability to reach out to our mentors, guides and higher consciousness and realise the unlimited potential that awaits us.

Introducing oracle cards as a tool for making important life choices can be a transformative experience. In a world filled with endless options and decisions to be made, oracle cards offer a unique and intuitive approach to decision-making. Unlike traditional methods, using an oracle deck taps into our intuition and subconscious wisdom. It allows us to access deeper insights and gain clarity on the path that aligns with our truest selves.

It's important to note that while oracle cards can be a helpful tool in decision-making, they should not replace critical thinking or professional advice when necessary. They are meant to complement our existing knowledge and serve as a catalyst for intuitive decision making.

9) Oracle Cards, Innocent Intent and Acceptance of Life Force Energy.
In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, many seek solace and guidance in the form of oracle cards. The Cards after following all of the previous steps to connect and understand them can offer insights, inspiration and can give purpose or a renewed sense of direction.

Innocent Intent is one of the most under-valued and least talked about subjects in Spiritual or Intuitive communication. Innocent Intent is about purity of heart, the unwavering belief not only in the goodness of life but the goodness that surrounds us as well. All of us have the ability to live as one and walk through life in innocence, if we don’t allow the density of physical reality to influence us.

Being accepting of Life Force Energy (Bnwyfre) is a key component to reading and understanding the cards. The acceptance that there are energies outside of conventional understanding at play in the universe. By surrendering control and being of innocent intent with an open heart and an open mind, we allow these energies to flow through us and we can experience a much deeper connection to what is meant to be.

10) Community and Group Activities: Connect and Share Oracle Card Experience with Like Minded People.
The power of community is undeniable when it comes to exploring the world of oracle cards.
Spiritual Churches/Centres often provide a regular safe space to practice Oracle Card Skills. These gatherings provide a safe space where enthusiasts can feel seen, heard, and understood. It's an opportunity to build lasting connections with like-minded individuals who share a passion for this mystical practice.

It is important to remember Oracle Cards are a tool that can encourage a deeper sense of self, a sense of occasion and a deeper connection to the universe being as one. Revealing secrets is a responsibility that requires integrity and honesty, helping others is a privilege that everyone could do but only the few choose too. Establishing meaningful relationships with our Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Other Energies, Gods and Deities is life changing for the ones that are dedicated. To be able to enrich the lives of people seeking advice comes with its own rewards.

My hope is that by following these steps you
personally will have your life enriched.
Bruce Clifton

The Spiritual Centre

The front of the Animal Spirit Oracle BoxThe front of the Animal Spirit Oracle Box
A description of the Animal Spirit Oracle contents on the back of the box.A description of the Animal Spirit Oracle contents on the back of the box.
Altar Mat with a selection of Animal Spirit Oracle Cards spread across it.
Altar Mat with a selection of Animal Spirit Oracle Cards spread across it.