The Density of Physical Reality

Discover the limitless nature of physical reality beyond our familiar dimensions and senses. Delve into a deeper understanding of existence with thought-provoking insights and perspectives. Expand your perception and embrace the mysteries that lie beyond what meets the eye.


Bruce Clifton

4/7/20243 min read

The Spiritual Centre, human body and aura
The Spiritual Centre, human body and aura

The Density of Physical Reality reveals itself in various ways but does not extend beyond the three-dimensional world we perceive. This realm encompasses not only our five senses - Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell, and Touch - but also includes other aspects of life. In order to recognise physical objects, the realisation that every tangible object consists of at least two of these five conventional senses, with some including all of the five, plus extra sensory perception, making our experiences even richer, more diverse and beyond ordinary.

The concept of physical reality is often thought to be limited to three dimensions, our five senses, and the physical life that we are accustomed to. However, it's important to note that there are actually, many various realms or planes of existence beyond what we typically perceive. This notion allows us to understand that categorising or grouping life into one single level is not as extraordinary as it may initially appear. In fact, there are many other worlds and realms that coexist alongside us.

The density of physical reality, our life on Earth contains the wonder of touch, the appeal of colours as we see them, these attributes are unique to human. Other realities do not perceive or experience them as we do. Emotionally we posses the wonderment of love, we feel it emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and with every fibre of our being. We also experience fear the opposite reaction to love. The emotional responses to losing that love, or unrequited love, possessiveness, jealousy, rage, along with other emotions. Culturally we are led to believe that we can not have the wonderment of one without having the gore of the other, and without one the other would not exist. Spiritually in the bigger scheme of life this is one of the biggest urban myths that has transcended the time on Earth since the beginning of man. Once we leave the density of physical reality fear ceases to exist.

These other realms or planes of existence exist on different vibrational frequencies, each offering its own unique experiences and realities. They transcend the boundaries of our everyday understanding and open up a whole new realm of possibilities. It's as if there is an entire hidden world waiting to be discovered by those willing to explore beyond the confines of our limited perception.

We have become accustomed to perceiving the world around us through our three dimensions and relying on our five senses to navigate this familiar existence. However, there is more beyond this limited perception. We do have more than five senses and there are various realms or planes of existence that exist beyond what we typically perceive.

Accepting there is a multifaceted nature to reality and embracing the interconnectedness of all things, we move closer towards unlocking the mysteries that lie beyond our current perception. The journey towards understanding these alternate realms is not just a quest for knowledge but a transformative experience that reshapes how we view ourselves and our place in the universe. May this exploration lead us towards greater wisdom and unity with all aspects of creation.

The interconnectedness between physical reality and these alternate dimensions offers a glimpse into the vast complexity of the universe we inhabit. By expanding our awareness beyond the confines of what we can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell in our immediate surroundings, we open ourselves up to a broader spectrum of existence. This expanded consciousness allows us to tap into energies and insights that transcend conventional understanding, providing and embrace the interconnectedness of all things, we move closer towards unlocking the mysteries that lie beyond our current perception. The journey towards understanding these alternate realms is not just a quest for knowledge but a transformative experience that reshapes how we view ourselves and our place in the universe. May this exploration lead us towards greater wisdom and unity with all aspects of creation.