The Spiritual

Fire Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckFire Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Spirit Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckSpirit Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Water Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckWater Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Earth dragon, a card from the animal spirit oracle deckEarth dragon, a card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Air Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckAir Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck

Dragon, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed

Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Oracle - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Fire Elementals - Fire Dragon

Key Words:
Vitality – Miracle - Passion
What is the spiritual Meaning of Fire Dragon.
Fire Dragon is about vitality. Fire Dragon is the inspiration, the ego, the passion, the everlasting belief in oneself. Just as air dragon loves life, fire dragon loves life and actively promotes wellbeing and wellness.

Why does Fire Dragon appear now?
Fire Dragon is the passion that resides within us, it is the everlasting continuance of life within life, existing is not an option. Fire Dragon is about living life to the full.
How do I call upon Fire Dragon?
Look South, look towards the horizon, see the heat haze, almost a mirage, and at the top of the mirage is the fire dragon waiting.

Discover the power of Fire Dragon energy to awaken your mind and nourish your soul. Explore your own potential, vitality, passion, and create miracles. This spirit animal will to help you on your journey towards physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing and unlock your life purpose.

Fire Dragons are powerful mythical creatures that have been revered in many cultures for centuries. They symbolize courage, strength and the ability to overcome adversity. In modern times, they are often seen as a symbol of mental and spiritual wellbeing, helping us to unlock our life purpose when diplomacy fails. Now more than ever, it seems that the Fire Dragon is being called upon to help us navigate the difficult times we face in today's world. It is believed that by connecting with our inner Fire Dragon, we can tap into its power and use it to reach our highest potential.

Fire dragon is a symbol of passion, vitality, and everlasting life. Life after life, the miracle of all life. Bnwyfre equals life force energy or breath of life. It is the Fire Dragon that provides the continuous growth and the perpetual motion of life. The density of physical reality to the light serviced by angels, fire dragon has no fear. A natural harp string and the music of love serves all vibrations, a natural harmony, a balance that brings all energy vibrations to a compatible and pliable state of being.

Fire Dragon works on a higher vibration to the Air Dragon. Without Earth, Wind and Water, Fire Dragon does not exist. Fire dragon appreciates all life forms, the lower vibrations are equal, and all vibrational energies are a compliment to each other.

When diplomacy fails, it is the Fire Dragon that is called upon, restoring order, promoting peace, these beings are the educators, the guardians, with humility they describe themselves as sentinels as they cherish and look after all creatures and settle all energies. The passion and fulfilment of life is a miracle waiting to happen, in the Angelic realms it is the Dominions or Lordships that encourage and co-erce miracles.

One belief system is that we have at the very least 9 guides surrounding us at any one time. One for each of the four directions, one above us, one below us, one that will stand within our energy, and one that travels on each side of us through life. 

Salamander card from the animal spirit oracle deckSalamander card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Spider card from the animal spirit oracle deckSpider card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Hedgehog, card from the animal spirit oracle deckHedgehog, card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Ram card from the animal spirit oracle deckRam card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Fox card from the animal spirit oracle deckFox card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Pheasant card from the animal spirit oracle deckPheasant card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Snake card from the animal spirit oracle deckSnake card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Animal Spirit Oracle.comAnimal Spirit

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.

This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.

Rooster card from the animal spirit oracle deckRooster card from the animal spirit oracle deck

This page was last updated 21st Jan 2025