The Spiritual

Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Spirit Elementals
Key Words:
Spirituality – Love - Energy

What is the spiritual Meaning of Dragon.
Dragon spirit represents Spiritual Energy and Unconditional Love. Life without fear and a fearless approach to life’s problems.

Why does Dragon appear now?
Dragon Spirit recognises a need, it will come forward as a mediator and will help navigate through any problem.
How do I call upon Dragon?
Dragon Spirit will approach you when asked, to look to each direction and it can be found by those who seek.

Dragon energy is locked into the Earth, Ley Lines and ancient pathways of energy that bring balance, restore harmony, the Alchemists, Drs, Professors, Graduates, Scholars, and scientists know of this energy that cannot be named. The current trendy name for it is Anti-Matter, it is within every life form and is the third strand of DNA the medical world calls it Interstitium.
The reality is it is Dragon Energy and is a part of all life.

Among the stars every culture has their Dragon, Ancient Civilisations knew of the power, Dragon brings forward. It is ancient knowledge handed down through generations. Symbolism and mystery add to the allure of the secrets Dragon keeps.
Each element, each direction have their own dragon, the energy is personal, it is for the keeper of this energy to discover their purpose within. How their energy contributes to the greater whole. Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and Spirit Dragons each have their own qualities, each Dragon brings harmony to the greater good.

Just as every element works from their own vibration, every planet, every galactic star system. The density of physical reality is acknowledged by the Dragon, when dragon appears it is because it is necessary. Symbolism, Synchronicity, Sixth Sense, Intuition and Gut Instinct have all failed to make an impression, dragon energy is our most primitive and probably our most mis-understood. To acknowledge the Dragon inside, appreciate Feng Shui, understand the Dantian or explore Bnwyfre, will all bring dragon energy into your life and for the greater good of all… forever.

Bnwyfre, life force energy, breath of life, Chi, Qi, Hei, are all single word descriptions for the energy within. The energy within us, the planet Earth this solar system, Druids, Shamans, Physicians and Scientists have all explored and made use of this energy and have not been able to identify it or explain it. Animal Spirit Guides need no explanation and trust Dragon Energy without condition.


One belief system is that we have at the very least 9 guides surrounding us at any one time. One for each of the four directions, one above us, one below us, one that will stand within our energy, and one that travels on each side of us through life. 

Dragon Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed

Earth dragon, a card from the animal spirit oracle deckEarth dragon, a card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Fire Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckFire Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Spirit Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckSpirit Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Water Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckWater Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Air Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deckAir Dragon card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Bee card from the animal spirit oracle deckBee card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Dragonfly card from the animal spirit oracle deckDragonfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Swan card from the animal spirit oracle deckSwan card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Bull card from the animal spirit oracle deckBull card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Dolphin card from the animal spirit oracle deckDolphin card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Butterfly card from the animal spirit oracle deckButterfly card from the animal spirit oracle deck
Unicorn card from the animal spirit oracle deckUnicorn card from the animal spirit oracle deck

This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.

Animal Spirit Oracle.comAnimal Spirit
Owl card from the animal spirit oracle deckOwl card from the animal spirit oracle deck

This page was last updated 24th Jan 2025