The Spiritual
Crow - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Guide - Spirit Animal - Totem - Animal Guide - Air Elementals
Key Words:
Thought - Mind - Intuition
What is the Spiritual Meaning or Essence of Crow?
The spiritual meaning of the crow is one of contemplation.
Why does Crow appear now?
If the Crow appears it is giving you information and telling you to follow your own intuition, the power of thought and mind coming together. The crow see’s everything and relies on intuition to know what is right. The crow shows no fear in this world or the next and is able to cross at will. Crow is an Oracle, it has a limitless amount of information available at any one time.
How do I call upon Crow?
Crow will call you when he is ready. He knows when he is needed and will come.
Among other gifts these Ravens are believed to have the powers of Prophesy, Protection and of course oracular, this last one meaning: when these majestic of birds are talking then it is worth listening. The Raven is also known to travel across the worlds of Abred, Gwyned and Ceugant these being the past, present and future. As above, so below.
The appearance of the crow means a sharing of wisdom, these are messengers and bringers of change, its dark colours mean it brings messages and clues from this world. They are able to mimic and with a superior intelligence they are able to survive in the harshest of conditions, cunning, clever and able to move both in this world and the next to have this bird as a guide means you should fear nothing.
There are many dark and devious stories attached to this bird mainly attributed to the dark ages, medieval times and death on the battlefields.
The Crow, The Rook and The Raven all being members of the same family and today being the more wider acknowledged I felt it appropriate to share their combined values.
One of the oldest legends attached to these birds is that of Huginn and Muninn a pair of male Ravens who were sent out each day by the Raven God "Odin", these Ravens collected information and gave it to him on their return at sunset. Hugin the power of thought and Muninn the power of mind. (intuition)
Odins daughters were said to have shapeshifted into Ravens and would search the battlefields whispering to the souls of the fallen to follow them back to Valhalla.
A more regional or local legend is that of Bran the Blessed, who supposedly used his body to span the river Linon, forming a bridge that allowed his followers to escape from the enemy and avoid the dangerous waters. Mortally wounded in battle Bran prophesised his own death and gave instructions to his followers for his head to removed from his body. His head proceeded to prophesise for the next 7 years with its final resting place being "The White Mount" known today as the site of "The Tower of London." The Ravens are still today living at the tower of london with the belief that should they ever leave then the tower will come crumbling down.
The Crow is not a solitary bird, where there is one you will usually find many. To look high in the trees (Alder) before leaves grow and you will see them preparing for spring, nests in abundance for all to see. They are without fear of predators, the uppermost twigs giving them the protection from earth animals. The height enabling them to see all round. It has been recorded previously that Bran is the Raven God, it must also be noted that a favourite tree for the Crow is the Alder also knows as the Fearn. A water loving Tree that can be found on most river banks, growing to a height of 70 feet it has long been a favourite nesting place of the Crow. The Alder when felled has a white wood but this soon turns to a pink red tinted, this leading to the legend of it being Bran from the battlefield lying bleeding.
(Man has copied this feature with many sea faring vessels today having a crow’s nest at its highest point.)
The Crow also represents a gathering of people coming together for one purpose, the ancient addage a family that feeds together stays together is proven with this bird. Able to eat anything and able to fly incredible distances this bird is one tough cookie, with its five wing feathers prominently on show in flight the power of 5 comes into its own. A possible interpretation could be Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and "YOU".
When Crow appears it is a prophecy, it has appeared at this time to share information. Crow is an oracle its information is limitless.
Crow reminds you, you can deal with any situation, there is always a solution. Everything in life is forever evolving, do not resist the changes.
Tarot Influence: 9 of Swords – Do not worry, the worries are within, you need to broaden your outlook, wisdom is always available.
Look far, travel further!
Crow, Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism revealed

These cards are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. More information available here.
This is from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck.
More information available here.

This page was last updated 21st Jan 2025

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This website was last updated 26th Jan 2025