About Us
This page was last updated 20th January 2025
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Bruce Clifton & Sonia parker
I first met Sonia in 1981 when I was delivering to a factory in Chelmsford and young Sonia was struggling to get her bicycle through a gate. I met her again a few times over the years, and met her again in 2007 online playing a game called 2nd life where she revealed she had gone through a large number of driving instructors but could not drive a car. I was a driving instructor and so I accepted the challenge and we met for her first lesson.
We laughed, and laughed, and laughed and after an hour Sonia drove 150 yards down a main road and stopped outside her house and burst into tears.
The beginning of a beautiful relationship that turned to friendship, that turned to love and has spanned over decades.
Time, Place and Circumstance produces synchronicity.

Sonia Parker & Bruce Clifton
The Spiritual Centre Group
"When our hearts connect, Our energies heal each other"
The Spiritual Centre was born in 2004 following an awakening by Bruce Clifton. Aged 40 he had the worst year of his life to date and since. It was during this time that he started a website about his spiritual understanding and it proved to be popular.
In 2007 The Spiritual Centre.net was born following an awakening by Sonia Parker. A little encouragement and Sonia developed a website comparable to anything on the web at that time. It can be descibed as a closet gothic, heavy metal themed, vibrant enthusiastic spiritually minded, unique website, that proved to be very popular.
In 2010 Bruce and Sonia joined a local spiritual development circle and spent the next few years developing natural intuition, spiritual connections, mediumship and healing.
Bruce has a natural healing ability and was made aware of it through circle, Sonia's forte is natural mediumship. Together they explored many venues and was inspired by some of the greatest teachers in the UK.
Bruce's career involves management, self employed, entrepreneurial, service industry.
Sonia's career is civil service, law, psychology and philosophy.
Bruce and Sonia started demonstrations and teaching together more than 10 years ago and can now claim to have successfully taught hundreds of classes and thousands of students.
Plans for 2023 going forward into the future:
The conclusion and production of the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. (This is happening in weeks)
The Spiritual Centre Academy. (This is a long term project that is being developed, the foundations are being laid.)
The Spiritual Centre Shop. (This is a dream we want to manifest into reality, we are hoping to celebrate our 20 year anniversary 2024 with a shop opening.)
(((((We are thinking out loud)))))
Bruce didn’t just teach me to drive, he taught me to love myself, to push myself, and to go after anything I wanted. I remember during my degree in psychology I wanted to work with Mental Health, Bruce suggested I write to my local Priory to work on a voluntary basis, this turned into a full time position and the start of a new career for me.
Soon after me met we both realized that we were finishing each other’s sentences. Not only that but also anything that happened to me also happened to Bruce, to this day if I am having a bad day then Bruce will too, words cannot do justice to the energy we share and create, we are creatures from the same soul.
'We are one'